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10 Reasons You Should Never Marry A Nigerian Lady (Must Read)!!!!

Nigerian ladies are a "one of a kind" people. There's no telling their strengths and/or weaknesses by mere observation. That's why I've taken time to put this piece together so you won't be dissapointed when you meet one. So if you have any interest in marrying a lady and you're thinking Nigeria, you may want to think again after reading this.

1) If You Are Anti-success:
The beautiful ladies of Nigeria are known for their unquenchable and unflinching drive for success. So if succeeding isn't the name of your game, then you're not for them because they will surely be productive or push you to be.

2) If You Lack Personal And Collective Goals.
With the advent of civilization and education, Nigerian ladies have been enlightened to know that successful relationships isn't always about love or money. Therefore it really doesn't matter where you are now, if you don't know where you you'll be 5-10years from now, leave Nigerian ladies alone.

3) If You Want To Miss The Opportunity Of Being Well Fed/Eating Good Food.
The choice is yours whether it is Ewedu in the west, Ofe-owerri in the east, Miyan-kuka in the north or Edikang - ikong in the south, if you're government does not want to build good and efficient stomach infrastructure, cross boarder and go to Seme. Every true Nigerian lady is a great cook.
A Nigerian man travelled abroad and while at his host's, he heard complains "honey the food is burnt" and he laughed replying, he said, "food? Or you mean the leaves are burnt"..
N/b: Its not always about the money, ask my friend Precious, they work wonders.

4) If You Don't Like Prayers:
Whether they believe what they are saying or not, the constant is....Nigerian ladies can pray. So if you've got a different agenda, wait till she smells it. And trust me she will.

5) If You Want To Risk Not Being Blessed:
It is said that is more risky not to take a risky, but dear reader, it is even more risky to marry a Nigerian lady and want to remain where you are cos Nigerian ladies are under divine pressure to bless. They have a mother praying for them, a father speaking over them, a sister that has just joined Passion for Souls and a brother that is in Omega Fire. They are too surrounded not to be a blessing to you.

6) If You Think You've Got It All:
My dear, if you think you've got it all and as such you want to be the pioneer of another slave trade era, think again. The average Nigerian lady has 4 brothers, 1 Father, many neighbours and very male besties. Leave Robinson, before you say Jack, they rest they say, will be history. Respect yourself. Be humble.

7) If You Don't Appreciate Beauty Or Don't Want Beautiful Kids:
Here's a word of advice, if you've got phobia for beautiful ladies, there are some neighboring countries around I can recommend. Just let me know. Otherwise, Nigeria isn't your stop. Their beauty is next to none. Irresistible.

8) If You Want A Second Wife:
Tah, don't let her or her father hear you. You will trek back to whatever country you came from. Don't try it. I trust am....she sef no go gri. Nigerians are the first and must remain the only. Its our pride.

9) If You Only Want To Have A Wife And Not A Mother To Your Kids:
Nigerian ladies are not BBA contestants. When they engage in a process, they mean business. They've been trained from birth to be mothers and good mothers at that. So if she's not only going to be your wife but also a mother, then let her. She has her methods. No child of Adam will call a Nigerian mother by her name. Its not the opposition of culture to modernization, its morals. Therefore if you want to have nonentities as kids, Nigeria is not your stop. Statistics show that the most incredibly intelligent people are Nigerians. Why? A typical Nigerian kid doesn't have one teacher, he/she is taught by the community, especially by his/her mother.

10) If you don't love JESUS:
Nigerian ladies are so in love with JESUS that they sometimes don't know the meaning, but trust in the effect of its approach. They are not scientific. In any type of challenge they will use the name without observing, or coming with any hypothesis. They have concluded already that He is, the answer. So they don't scream arrrggh at fear or terror. They simply say JESUS. Be it cockroach, spider web, snake or lion, JESUS. When they see a strange/new thing, JESUS. When they don't, JESUS. They just love The LORD. If they are hurt, don't just pull our guns and start shooting at people anyhow. Its still JESUS. Even if she's not a christian, its still part of her vocabulary. So if if you don't love HIM, Then be careful. They'll bring HIM Into every picture. You may just find yourself calling out HIS Name.

In appreciation for reading thus far, here's one more for you and a couple of pictures too for your viewing pleasure.

11) Never Marry A Nigerian Lady or Any Lady If You Are Not Willing To Make Her Happiness Your Priority:
You should not do anything to make her worry or cry, that's not what they were built for. Love her as much as you should. Resolve to be the wipe for her tears and not the cause. If there's a tear, let it be as a result of the the joy you've brought to her life and how much of the past you've been able to correct or make her not remember. Otherwise, don't think black. Cos they are not just a shade of colour, they are the essence, they are the core, they are Nigeria.

Therefore if there's ever a place good enough to marry from, its Nigeria. We are the face of AFRICA.

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