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Lolx....How Some Ladies Think They Look When The Use Make Up (Interactive Post)

On a real though, this isn't just funny, but also true.
Ladies!!!! You there?
Ok. Here's the real deal.
While some may say or be of the opinion that "the reason why I make up is not to impress anyone" and some other may take solace behind the well carved out verbiage of "I do not use make up in any way as a means of augmenting my beauty" or better still "Its just what I love".... The bottom line is, there's is an addition to nature, and that in itself, serves a purpose.

Personally I don't have any differences with the act but with the attitude that sustains the act. Can I talk? I believe I can.

Ladies you've got to understand that the true definition of beauty is not wrapped within the confines of pulchritude. True beauty isnt skin deep. Some ladies have been deluded into believing that they are not beautiful especially without their make up. NO!!!! You're wrong dearie, you are extremely beautiful just the way you are.
You don't have to impress nobody that refuses to be impressed.

I know making up isn't always about impressing a guy, but simply looking good and feeling comfortable with yourself but you'd agree with me that there are some who don't share in that school of thought. So for those that don't, here's my counsel:
If he falls in love with you because of make up, be sure that for the rest of your life or as long as that relationship will last, you'll have to sustain his love - unless you dont think it matters- with externalities, make up. But if he falls in love with your personality, oh my, there's no telling where tomorrow will lead cos your personality is unique. There's no other you. He would be less prone to flirting, lusting, cheating etc.

Here's what I think:
Dress and make up to look beautiful, but don't let it define or interfere with your personality, who you really are. Don't build "a/your world" around it. You are just as beautiful irrespective of what society thinks, therefore give no one the right to hurt you or make you feel any less.

*We would like to share in your thoughts on the said issue. Let's know what you think about it. Fill in your comment in the comment box below. Your thought could be of benefit to someone else, you never know.
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