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The Apple Car, As Imagined By Motor Trend

Motor Trend speculates on what the highly anticipated vehicle might look like

It isn’t the real Apple Car.

Car magazine Motor Trend caused a stir on Wednesday when it teased images of what it called the Apple Car. Some people thought the renderings—released on Motor Trend’s Twitter feed—were leaked images of the still-in-development Apple Car.

But, in reality, the images are part of a cover story out Thursday that the magazine put together, speculating what the highly anticipated vehicle might look like.

The magazine consulted automobile designers from ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, Califonia and asked them to conceptualize the Apple Car as though the company had come to them as a customer.

The possibility of Apple, the world’s most valuable company, getting into the car game has captured the attention of Silicon Valley and Detroit. With Apple’s track record of striking design and innovation, many car enthusiasts have wondered how the company would rethink automobiles.

It was reported last year that Apple was working on a car code-named Project Titan and that it had established a timetable targeting a 2019 release. However, the project lost its leader when Steve Zadesky, an Apple veteran who was overseeing the car team, told people in January that he was leaving the company.

Kim Reynolds, a testing director at Motor Trend and author of the story, said the exterior design is only one element that the designers considered. They also looked at how Apple might change the experience of riding in a car and considered features such as a windshield with augmented reality or a Siri-like chauffeur to guide people from one destination to another.

“We might be looking at a real transformation of what a car is,” said Mr. Reynolds. Motor Trend Editor in Chief Ed Loh said it isn’t unusual for the magazine to do such speculative stories. In the past, it has considered concept vehicles like a jet car with a bubble canopy or a turbine-powered automobile.

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