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BEWARE!!!! Native Doctors On The Rampage

Please people, be advised. Recent reports by the wildlife and forestry resources department in nka-ekim local government area of anwa-ifod verify the outcome of the long speculated/semi-concluded closed door meeting between the native doctors delegates representing anwa-ifod(witchcraft) constituency and the honorable speaker of the house of ndem-mmong(marine spirit). It is said that the meeting did not arrive at a consensus as the honourable speaker couldn't make a meaning of their request 'equality of rights in profession'. It is reported that one of the delegates said "business is going bad because their clients were called customers and not members", while another stressed on the necessity of upgrading. In his remarks, he said "the association of baba's were tired of seeing things through water placed in basins, but now want iPads". The statement prompted the negative reaction of the speaker. Following the speaker's stands, the anwa-ifod delegates have taken to strike and will till further notice no longer put on rags so as to express their displeasure. It is reported by one of the delegates that they will now put on suits and ties with Italian shoes. No longer will they use chalks and white markers, but 212-men, Vlgari and Moschino. Bamboos, palm fronds and curtains will not be needed anymore as they will now have auditoriums. Pots will not serve anymore purpose as they now will have bank accounts. Why worry with disappearing as there's Arik? They've themed their strike:
"A Cry For Revival"
As such you will not look for them. Since they're mobile, they'll look for you. They are no more in bushes, but amongst us. They have solutions to problems you don't have. We fear a time will soon come there'll be too many solutions without problems they'll be hawking at bus stops and traffic lights. But please it is advised that you be careful around them cos since they have been in the forest for so long, adaptation will be difficult. They are still very carnivorous as they only seek to devour human beings and satisfy the appetite of the flesh especially as it involves bills. Their primary objective is your resource. Be careful. Stop jumping around before you get into trouble. Their clothes may change, their methods maybe improvised, but their goal is certain and their end sure. Be careful, not every "word of GOD" is a "Word from GOD".  There are many wolves in sheep's clothing. Beware!!!!

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