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China Nuclear Company To Build Plant In Sudan

The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) will reportedly cooperate with Sudan by building a nuclear power project there.

The AFP news agency has cited a Sudanese spokesperson Mohamed Abdelrahim Jawish, saying that an agreement was signed on Monday, and the scale of the plant is being discussed by the two sides.

The project includes a 600-megawatt atomic reactor, which would be the first such project in the African country.

The Chinese company did not disclose the contract value or the type of nuclear technology to be used for the reactor.

But experts said there is a great opportunity for the homegrown reactor design Hualong One, a type of third-generation technology, to be used for the reactor.

In 2012, Sudan submitted to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) a plan about developing nuclear energy to meet the country's growing power demand.

Sudan's annual power generation volume currently stands at 3,000 megawatts.

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