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Poem: Tasted Before Riped

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What you're about to read is not just the cry of one. I consider this the voice of many. It is only sad that moralist are never around to defend when needed. Please discourage all forms of domestic violence and parents, listen to all your child is not saying too. He/she wishes you could hear them too cos they justt maybe too scared to face their fears.....

 "That kid!!! 

That kid has a steaming story to tell

No one cares to care

Dad isn't aware

Mum is busy minding her wears

I was that kid

Covered with heaps of painted pains and deep dejections

I was simple and simply six-sincere and dear

I was supposed to be with my darling dolls in my playroom.

But where was I?

Where do I live?

I live in the cold cupboard of taunting torture

In the arms of the deceiving deceiver

My Uncle.

He kissed my pale knuckles

He placed my hand on something so big, hard and so scary

Like a rattling snake anxious to unveil its venom.

Coarsed my skin skillfully with keening desirees

Threatened me never to say a word not a sound to any soul.

Even though I wanted to speak, there was none to listen to my plea.

I tried finding comfort in my shadow, the only friend that listens and leaves.

Breathing on me like a wounded pig

Grunting and panting like one chased by a destructive demon

Unleashing terrifying terrific terrors

An inhumane human

My soul was cold to his touch

My soul was iced but inside me, fire burns

Uncle it hurts

Pain again eexploded in my brain like a bomb of fire


Destruction to my pride; my possession

I seem mentally drained and deranged

I wanted to tear off my flesh

Pull off my skin and free my soul

And ruins my day

What I'm I living for?

Holding that killer pill

Ending my life at the end of one, two, three

You think i died?

Well, i didn't?

Cos I heard GOD'S From Philippians

To be careful of nothing but in thanksgiving, prayers and supplications let my request be made known to GOD

So I looked up to the heavens and i knew my help comes from The LORD

This words gave me wings

And now I can fly 

Fly above my sorrows, the wasted tears i cried

And realized I live not for myself, buut for GOD

For those that have been caressed, harassed by the cold blades or swords that stab through our souls

There is something to still live for.

There's still a light that shines in your favour

The light that dispels darkness


Now let my words give you wings

And make you fly

Tighten your seatbelt and enjoy your flight."

 By Echebiri Gabriella

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