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Meet The 19-year-Old Mother Of The Giant Baby That Weighs 15 Pounds At The Time Birth

Earlier, D'Foyer had reported the birth of a giant baby who weighed about 13lbs in China. But according to news reports, a lady has given birth in India to what would seem as a record breaker for the biggest baby in the world as this baby weighs the same as an average six-month-old. The unnamed baby was born by Caesarean section on Monday weighing a staggering 15lbs. Her mother Nandini, although a 19-year-old, was astonished by the size of her first child when she was born in southern India.

And it is believed her birth overtakes the current record holder, Carisa Rusack, who was born weighing 14lb 5oz in Massachusetts in 2014.

Dr Venkatesh Raju, the local health officer, said:

'In my 25 years of experience, I had never seen such a big baby. 'She is a miracle. I believe she is not only the heaviest baby born in India but the heaviest baby girl ever born in the world.'
Nandini, who herself weighs 14.5 stone (94kg) and is 5'9 tall, had a smooth pregnancy throughout but was unaware she was about to give birth to a big baby.

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