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See How Much The Gun George Zimmerman Used To Kill Unarmed Trayvon Martin Was Sold For

George Zimmerman has finally sold the gun he used to kill a 17-year-old unarmed Trayvon Martin with after several failed attempts and several fake online bidders.
The gun used by Mr Zimmerman was recently returned to him by the authorities (AP)
According to the Independent UK, the gun used to kill an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin in 2012, has reportedly been sold for more than $120,000 on UnitedGunGroup.com - a move that has sparked outcry from the young man’s family.

George Zimmerman, the former volunteer nightwatchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin claimed he had successfully sold the weapon on an auction site, after a series of failed efforts.

TMZ reported that seven verified users were bidding for the gun. The identity of the winning bidder remains unknown, as is the exact final selling price.

Earlier this week, the online auction site UnitedGunGroup.com tweeted a statement that said: “George Zimmerman has confirmed that an offer of $100,000 with verified funds has been submitted.”

A poster of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was killed in Sanford, Florida in 2012
Earlier attempts to sell the gun online were hacked and fake bids were placed, causing that auction to be cancelled without a sale. Last week's highest bid of $65 million was posted by one “Racist McShootFace”.

A lawyer for the teenager’s family said that the plan to auction the gun was “insulting and disrespectful.”

“It is insulting to this family that he would decide that he would sell the gun that he killed their child with,” Daryl Parks told the Washington Post. “Think about what that means: This is a gun that took a child’s life, and now he wants to make money off of it.”

George Zimmerman, acquitted in the high-profile killing of unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin
In a blog post, Zimmerman wrote:

"Fellow Patriots, First and foremost, I would like to thank and give the glory to God for a successful auction that has raised funds for several worthy causes.

"I would like to thank Todd Underwood and UnitedGunGroup.com for their moral fortitude in hosting my firearm auction. I would also like to thank all members of UnitedGunGroup for their support and words of encouragement.

"At this time, the auction with United Gun Group is closed. The process of notifying the winning bidder will begin immediately. The winning bidder will ultimately decide if they want their information to be maintained in confidentiality."

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