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Poetry: If I Was A Man

Photocredits- Gettyimages

If I was a man,

I wouldn't break her bones

I would build her with words and prayers

And not break her with words and blows

I will show her strength in

Discipline, responsibility and Spirit

Not in a close fist

If I was a man

I would love her to submission

I wouldn't force it

I would allow it flow from the rivers of her heart

If I was a man

I would not keep her as a second option

I would not compare her with others

I would just let her be her

While I will be me

If I was a man

I will not bend her from her will

Insist on my own right

Things mustn't always go my way

Just to prove am a man

If I was a man

I wouldn't try to prove that am the head

At all cost

Definitely not at the cost of her love

I will show her,  my friendship

Is stronger than, my "bossship"

If I was a man

I would prove to her that,

Not all men are cheats

Not all men are liars

Not all men love you

For  your body

I would love her

For being her

For being too slim

For being too fat

Fro being too short

All the crazy and bad side that makes herL

But, I am not a man

Yet I wish i was

So, since you are

Maybe you should think about this.

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