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NDA: Top 10 Immediate Victims If the Nigerian Economy Shuts Down!

Niger Delta Avengers have turned down a chance to negotiate with the Federal Government in the face of their incessant attacks on oil facilities for the sole aim of shutting down the Nigerian economy which relies on crude oil exportation. They are currently advocating for a sovereign state with printed specimens of their proposed currency.
Nigerians have been joining the Twitter page of the militants through which it disseminates information about its activities in the region. Hundreds of Nigerians have gone as far retweeting their messages to widen their outreach rather than reporting the account for a ban.
Below is a list of the first economic casualties should the NDA realize their aim of shutting down the Nigerian economy as planned:
1. All the businesses (traders) that rely on civil servants and salaried workers buying their goods should be prepared to close up their businesses.

2. All the people employed by federal, state, Local Government Area contractors should prepare to pack up or await 6-12 months of no salaries.

3. Bank workers would be the next victims due to their susceptibility to economic shocks e.g Treasury Single Account cost several banker their jobs.

4. Most factories that run on 40% of electricity from power companies should prepare for a painful long break.

5. Cooking gas prices is on its way up already on a 45% note and will pose more hardship for average Nigerians.

6. Exchange rates will get to 500 naira  or more to a dollar leading to massive inflation as the Nigerian economy survives on undue importation.

7. Pensions for parents and grand parents will be suspended due to lack on funds from the federal government.

8. Telecommunications companies will lay off  members of staff due to reduction in airtime vended. Traders will have no customers as customers earn no salaries.

9. State government insolvency: The country might be forced to 'sell' some states that couldn't even pay the salaries of workers with the aid of bail outs from the central government.
10. Health sector: This will be severely crippled due to lack of governmental funds to stock drugs for purchase.

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