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There’s that past we’re disconsolate about, the present we are discontented with and the future we hope will answer all our questions. All three form an integral part of life and are governed by a trisyllabic law called decision.

Decision begins with the spermatozoa heading straightaway without consultation for the ovum when as ignorant and innocent not knowing the consequence of our choices nine months elapses and we’re faced with the dawn of reality; finding that earth wasn’t as pleasant, so we cry.

This makes decision the pedestal for everything in life. Who we were and who we are are products of the decisions we’ve made. Who we’ll become will also be a function of the decisions we make now. Bearing in mind that not making a decision is a decision on its own, its safe to say “we are all products of our decisions”.

I reviewed the profile of some people/friends seeing how successful they were, I came to the conclusion that “success is not an accident, it’s the sum of all decisions put together” so they decided.

For those out there with big wishes and dreams, here’s my advice….stop wishing, stop dreaming, start deciding. Whilst we have been taught that “the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step”, it would still be safe to say that “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a thought, a decision and then the step”…. The fulcrum of this process is decision.

The point I’m trying to make in all of this is the need for conscious constructive decisions because in the end, we are what we decide. Congratulations to all those who decided. Since you’re reading this, make a conscious constructive decision today and be willing to follow through with all that accompanies it and success awaits you.

Know that the first prerequisite to great success in life is to decide with crystal clarity, accurate specifications and with a positive mindset what you really want out of life.

As Norman Cousins puts it "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we are still alive". Decide today!!!


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